Alston & Bird recently issued an Advisory on a new regulation proposed by the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry Security (BIS), which would require certain developers, manufacturers, and users of cybersecurity intrusion and surveillance items to obtain export licenses before conducting business and performing their work—even when working with their affiliated companies or with […]
Visa & MasterCard: Issuers May Release Identity of Breached Merchants
In two letters sent to Diana Dykstra, the President and CEO of the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues, both MasterCard and Visa have confirmed that, under their network rules, card issuers are permitted to disclose the identities of merchants involved in data breaches in certain circumstances. In MasterCard’s letter dated June 3, 2015, Eileen […]
Kim Peretti and Jason Wool co-author CIO Insight article on Cyber-Risk Management
Kim Peretti, co-chair of the firm’s Security Incident Management & Response Team, and Jason Wool, an associate in the firm’s Technology and Privacy Group and Security Incident Management & Response Team, along with Kiersten Todt and Roger Cressey of Liberty Group Ventures, LLC, coauthored the CIO Insight article, “Five Steps to Strengthening Cyber-Defenses.” In the […]
European Data Protection Supervisor Releases Opinion on Mobile Health
The European Data Protection Supervisor (“EDPS”), Giovanni Buttarelli, has published an opinion on Mobile Health (“mHealth”); a rapidly evolving sector that stems from the convergence of healthcare and information communication technology. mHealth includes mobile applications designed to provide health-related services through smart devices by processing personal information about an individual’s health, well-being, and lifestyle. The […]
Oregon Updates and Expands Data Breach Statute
Oregon has updated its data breach notification statute to broaden the definition of personal information that will trigger notice to individuals and add the requirement to notify the state’s Attorney General of certain breaches. Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed into law SB601 on June 10, and it was enrolled on June 15. The bill updates […]