In conjunction with a summit on cybersecurity conducted at Stanford University on February 13, President Obama signed an Executive Order to promote cybersecurity information sharing, both within the private sector and between government and the private sector. The Executive Order requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to “strongly encourage the development and formation of Information […]
White House Announces Creation of New Center to Analyze and Share Cyber Threat Intelligence
On Tuesday, February 10, Lisa Monaco, the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, announced the creation of the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC). The CTIIC will be responsible for analyzing and integrating cyber threat intelligence currently collected by other government agencies and “producing coordinated cyber threat assessments” based on that intelligence. […]
FTC Releases Report on “Internet of Things”
As a follow up to a workshop it hosted in November, 2013, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently released a detailed report on the “Internet of Things,” (IoT) seeking to summarize the workshop and provide staff recommendations on the subject. Broadly, the FTC refers to the IoT as “the ability of everyday objects to connect […]
New York AG Schneiderman to Propose Revised Data Security Laws
New York’s Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced on January 15 that he would propose legislation to New York State lawmakers to revise New York’s data security laws and to require new safeguards for personal data of New Yorkers. The legislation to be introduced by Mr. Schneiderman will broaden the scope of information that would require […]
President Obama Proposes Strict National Data Breach Notification Law Ahead of State of the Union
On January 12, 2015, during a speech before the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), President Barack Obama announced that he would propose legislation to create a national, uniform data breach notification law. The White House later released the full text of the proposed bill. The President highlighted that a national breach notification law would benefit both […]