India recently introduced the Personal Data Protection Bill 2018 (“Bill”). The transfer of personal data in India is currently governed by the SPD Rules (Sensitive Personal Data and Information, 2011), which is however considered outdated and not fully protective of personal data. The Bill comes as a result of the country’s Supreme Court recent judgment […]
Data Security
California Legislature Amends CCPA
Last Friday, the California Senate and Assembly passed SB-1121, amending the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) as enacted in June. We previously issued an advisory following the June enactment, and will host a webinar discussing the law (as now amended) on September 12. This blog post highlights some of the key amendments to the CCPA. […]
South Carolina Enacts Insurance Data Security Act
South Carolina recently enacted a prescriptive data security law for insurers. The law bears resemblance to the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) cybersecurity rules that entered into force last year. In short, the South Carolina law requires licensees (defined below) to develop and implement a comprehensive written information security program (a “WISP”) and […]
NYDFS Cybersecurity Requirements Compliance Deadline Nears for Key Provisions
September 4, 2018 marks the end of the transitional period for covered entities to comply with several key provisions of the NYDFS Cybersecurity Requirements that require certain systemic and sustained measures. These provisions include the encryption and audit trail requirements as well as ones relating to the implementation of monitoring policies, procedures, and controls, application […]
Japan and EU agree on Terms of Reciprocal Adequacy for Data Transfers
On July 17, the European Commission (the “Commission”) announced that the European Union and Japan successfully concluded talks on reciprocal adequacy and agreed to recognize each other’s data protection systems as equivalent. In its press release, the Commission explains that this adequacy agreement will create “the world’s largest area of safe transfers of data based […]