On October 6, 2021, Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco announced the launch of the Department of Justice’s Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative. The Department plans to use civil enforcement tools to “pursue…those who are government contractors who receive federal funds, when they fail to follow required cybersecurity standards.” Stating the Department will pursue “very hefty fines,” […]
EDPB reports on EU Data Protection Authorities’ resources and enforcement actions
Earlier this month, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) published a report on the resources that the EU Member States make available to their Data Protection Authorities (DPA) and on the enforcement actions initiated by those DPAs. Resources made available by the EU Member States to the DPAs The EDPB report releases statistics on both […]
Colorado Becomes the Third State to Adopt a General Privacy Law
On July 7, Colorado became the third state behind California and Virginia to adopt a comprehensive privacy law when Governor Jared Polis signed the Colorado Privacy Act into law. The CPA contains many similarities to the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA) and the California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended by the California Privacy Rights […]
SEC Settles Enforcement Action for Disclosure Controls Violations Stemming from Data Security Incident
The SEC has settled an enforcement action against a large title insurer in connection with public statements and disclosures made by the company in May 2019 relating to a data security incident. The underlying data security incident was the subject of the first set of charges brought by the New York Department of Financial Services […]
New York and Illinois Regulators Recommend Third Party Cybersecurity Review For Specific Vulnerabilities
This month, the Illinois Department of Insurance issued guidance to insurers recommending assessments in response to a Microsoft Exchange vulnerability, detailed in the guidance. In the Bulletin dated May 5, the Department encourages regulated entities to “assess the risk to their systems and consumers and take steps necessary to address vulnerabilities and customer impact.” The […]