Today, the European Commission published finalized versions of new Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs). The Commission has published two sets of clauses: A set of SCCs to be used in controller-to-processor situations in conjunction with Art. 28 GDPR “data processor” terms applicable to such situations. A more general set of modular SCCs that can be used […]
Swire Report Addresses EU Data Localization Comments, Portuguese Order Restricting U.S. Data Flow
In November, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) issued draft guidance regarding transfers of personal data from the European Union. That guidance has prompted nearly 200 comments from companies, trade groups, and interested observers. Senior Counsel Peter Swire, along with co-author DeBrae Kennedy-Mayo, has now published a report reviewing these comments through the Cross Border […]
The GDPR Reaches the US Supreme Court in Cert Petition
The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been raised in a petition for certiorari before the US Supreme Court, apparently for the first time since the GDPR entered into application in 2018. A party in Vesuvius USA Corp. v. Phillips has filed a petition for certiorari in a GDPR-related discovery dispute. Of course, since […]
The EDPB-EDPS Joint Opinion on Data Processing Standard Contractual Clauses: Key Takeaways
When a controller engages a processor, the GDPR requires that the parties enter into a specific contract that contains certain mandatory provisions. This contract is often referred to as a ‘data processing agreement’ or ‘DPA’. To facilitate compliance with this requirement, the GDPR has provided the European Commission with the power to issue standard contractual […]
Brexit Trade Agreement Provides a Temporary Solution for Companies Transferring Personal Data from the EEA to the UK
On December 24, 2020, the EU and the UK reached an agreement on the terms of their future cooperation following the end of the Brexit Transition Period (i.e., following 31 December 2020). The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (the ‘Agreement’) contains a temporary solution for companies transferring personal data from the EEA to the UK, […]