This week, the FCC issued the following correction of its July 10, 2015 Order on the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”): In Paragraph 100, the fourth sentence is corrected to read as follows: “It follows that the rule applies per call and that telemarketers should not rely on a consumer’s written consent obtained before the […]
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FCC TCPA Order has Harsh Impact on Businesses
On July 10, 2015, the FCC entered its long awaited Order on 21 petitions seeking clarification on a number of issues related to the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”). A copy of the complete Order is available here The Order is consistent with comments that the FCC made during its open hearing on […]
FCC’s TCPA Ruling Delivers Blow To Businesses
The FCC today approved a Declaratory Ruling and Order resolving approximately 20 pending petitions seeking clarification of a variety of items relating to the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The Commission’s Order expands consumer rights and protections at the expense of legitimate businesses that use modern technologies responsibly to reach consumers. At today’s Open […]
Peter Swire on Passage of USA FREEDOM Act
In an article published yesterday, Peter Swire reviews the recent passage of the USA FREEDOM Act. Perhaps most notably, the Act eliminates the bulk collection of telephone metadata by the National Security Agency. Swire calls the Act, “the biggest pro-privacy change to U.S. intelligence law since the original enactment of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act […]
Visa Updates Global Compromised Account Recovery Program
On May 14, 2015, Visa announced several updates to its Global Compromised Account Recovery Program (“GCAR”), which helps card issuers recover costs and fraud losses after a data compromise. These modifications appear to be designed to address changes in the payment environment and align GCAR recoveries more closely with the current estimated costs and risks […]