This week, the FCC issued the following correction of its July 10, 2015 Order on the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”): In Paragraph 100, the fourth sentence is corrected to read as follows: “It follows that the rule applies per call and that telemarketers should not rely on a consumer’s written consent obtained before the […]
Canadian Parliament Amends PIPEDA with the Digital Privacy Act
On June 18, 2015, the Canadian Parliament passed into law the Digital Privacy Act (the “Act”), which amends Canada’s federal data protection statute, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). PIPEDA applies to businesses in every Canadian province except British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec; however, businesses in those provinces may become subject to […]
FCC TCPA Order has Harsh Impact on Businesses
On July 10, 2015, the FCC entered its long awaited Order on 21 petitions seeking clarification on a number of issues related to the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”). A copy of the complete Order is available here The Order is consistent with comments that the FCC made during its open hearing on […]
Rhode Island Updates Identity Theft Protection Act; Requires Notice Within 45 Days of Data Breach
In the absence of action by the U.S. Congress to pass a national data breach notification law, many states stepped into the breach to update their laws this year to add more specific notice guidelines, a requirement to notify the state’s attorney general or another state official, and to require entities that maintain personal information […]
FCC’s TCPA Ruling Delivers Blow To Businesses
The FCC today approved a Declaratory Ruling and Order resolving approximately 20 pending petitions seeking clarification of a variety of items relating to the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The Commission’s Order expands consumer rights and protections at the expense of legitimate businesses that use modern technologies responsibly to reach consumers. At today’s Open […]