The New York Department of Financial Services (“NY DFS”) published an updated proposed Second Amendment to its Cybersecurity Regulation (23 NYCRR Part 500) in the New York State Register on June 28, 2023, updating its previous proposed Second Amendment, which was published November 9, 2022. While the language proposed is largely similar to the previous […]
Search Results for: NYDFS
FTC Revises the Safeguards Rule and Proposes Mandatory Reporting of Cybersecurity Events
On October 27, 2021, the FTC released its much-anticipated final revisions to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Safeguards Rule (Safeguards Rule or Final Rule), following a 3-2 vote along party lines and also released a notice of proposed rulemaking that would require reporting to the FTC of certain cybersecurity events. Revisions to the Safeguards Rule Effective since 2003, […]
California Federal Court Dismisses Data Security-Related Securities Fraud Class Action
A California federal court has dismissed a putative securities fraud class action alleging that a large title insurer that disclosed a data security incident in May 2019 made false and misleading statements related to its data security practices and the incident. The dismissal follows the June 2021 settlement of a related Securities & Exchange Commission […]
SEC Settles Enforcement Action for Disclosure Controls Violations Stemming from Data Security Incident
The SEC has settled an enforcement action against a large title insurer in connection with public statements and disclosures made by the company in May 2019 relating to a data security incident. The underlying data security incident was the subject of the first set of charges brought by the New York Department of Financial Services […]
New York and Illinois Regulators Recommend Third Party Cybersecurity Review For Specific Vulnerabilities
This month, the Illinois Department of Insurance issued guidance to insurers recommending assessments in response to a Microsoft Exchange vulnerability, detailed in the guidance. In the Bulletin dated May 5, the Department encourages regulated entities to “assess the risk to their systems and consumers and take steps necessary to address vulnerabilities and customer impact.” The […]