In the wake of stay-at-home orders stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, companies have rushed to provide work-from-home options for many, if not all, of their employees. As exigency fades into the new normal, however, the California Attorney General and New York’s Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) – two key privacy and security regulators – have […]
Regulatory Enforcement
Google-Style GDPR Fines for Everyone? Bavarian DPA Conducts Website Cookie Practices Sweep, Announces Fines under Consideration
As has been widely reported, in late January the French privacy supervisor CNIL fined Google €50 million for privacy violations relating to targeted marketing using Android user data. One of the core violations the CNIL found was that Google’s Android user interface did not obtain effective, GDPR-compliant consent to targeted marketing from users. The amount […]
FTC Publishes Report Regarding Privacy Workshop
In October 2018, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) published a report that summarized discussions at a December 2017 workshop discussing the potential impact to consumers of privacy and security incidents. The purpose of the workshop was to explore whether government intervention in this arena is warranted under the enforcement authority granted to the FTC under […]
SEC Brings First Enforcement Action for Violation of the Identity Theft Red Flags Rule
On September 26, 2018, the SEC brought its first ever enforcement action for violations of Regulation S-ID (the “Identity Theft Red Flags Rule”), 17 C.F.R. § 248.201, in addition to violations of Regulation S-P, 17 C.F.R. 30(a) (the “Safeguards Rule”). Regulation S-ID and Regulation S-P apply to SEC-registered broker-dealers, investment companies, and investment advisers, and […]
India’s Draft Data Protection Bill: Another GDPR Around The Corner?
India recently introduced the Personal Data Protection Bill 2018 (“Bill”). The transfer of personal data in India is currently governed by the SPD Rules (Sensitive Personal Data and Information, 2011), which is however considered outdated and not fully protective of personal data. The Bill comes as a result of the country’s Supreme Court recent judgment […]